Ditch the Resentment and Elevate Your Relationship

Communicate. Connect. Thrive


Every single waking minute you’re consumed with anticipating and managing the needs of others, leaving you…

  • Worn out, like "too-tired-to-function" exhausted, and only making it worse for yourself with the belief that if you want things done correctly, you gotta do it yourself.
  • Mad and unappreciated that your hubby seems to be blind to the superhero efforts you're pulling to keep things smooth.
  • Dishing out all the “laughable” memes to your girlfriends about running a one-woman show, but inside, it’s all too real and there might just be a secret tear or two. (#sigh)
  • Frustrated that your husband doesn’t contribute to household duties, organize appointments, plan family trips, and other shared (or should be shared) responsibilities. 
  • Avoiding those sticky convos because, let's be real, who wants unnecessary drama? Sometimes silence seems easier than a fuss.

This is internalized sexism…

But it’s not your fault and you are NOT alone.

As women, we’re brought up to accommodate others even at our own cost…

… smile and don’t make a fuss.

… work full time then come home and notice ALL the domestic duties.

… be the calm, cool, fun wife.

… be a good girl and follow the rules.

… don’t ask for what you want and put everyone else's needs before yourself.

Until one day you wake up, intuition kicks in, and you realize this isn’t the life you dreamed of. 

Your joy has burnt up, you’re resentful of your husband, and you can’t remember the last time you did something for yourself.

There are millions of mamas all over the world feeling the same way. 

But YOU have the power to change this for yourself. 


Because damned as hell you deserve to live a life of fulfillment, courage, and the kind of unapologetic joy that lights up your days.

Now, imagine this…

  • You’ve recognized where you need help and have the strategies to be your biggest self-advocate. And hell no, you don’t shy away from difficult conversations.
  • Your kids are growing up in a home where old-school norms get kicked to the curb – you're breaking that generational patriarchy like a boss.
  • You kick back on the couch while your hubby takes charge, putting the little one to bed. No guilt, no urge to jump up and lend a hand – just pure relaxation.
  • You’ve got the tools to lead an empowered life that ticks all the boxes and overcomes obstacles as they arise.
  • You get better sleep, feel more rested, and have regulated your nervous system for better physical and mental health.

You're not just thriving in one corner of your world – it's the whole darn sphere. 

Relationships? ✔️ Career? ✔️ Health? ✔️

This life is possible for you!

Choosing to invest in yourself isn't selfish – it's the greatest gift you can give to yourself, your loved ones, and everyone around you. 

Hi, I’m Stassi 

Your go-to therapist, feminist, and women’s wellness coach.

It’s my mission to overhaul the narrative that's been dictating women's lives for far too long.

In a world where anxiety, depression, and physical illnesses are on the rise, I'm here to put a stop to the madness caused by relentless stress and runaway hormones that are cutting short your life.

For nearly a decade, I’ve been working with women to empower them to recognize the inequalities and beliefs that are keeping them stuck in a cycle of anxiety and resentment.

I firmly believe true happiness, vibrant health, and thriving relationships all hinge on you becoming your biggest self-advocate.

Just like I've done for myself and my marriage, I'm here to guide you toward becoming your own self-advocate, helping you be seen, appreciated, and empowered.

Over 3 months, I'll support you in transforming from feeling resentful, exhausted, and overworked to living a fulfilling and connected life with strong partnerships.


Throughout our 12-week journey, you’ll unpack your shit to start thriving in relationships, career, family, and within yourself.

Here’s what you’ll gain:

  • Unpack and identify your internalized challenges – from self-sacrifice and control, overwhelm and people-pleasing to fear, guilt, and shame.
  • Craft, generate, and redefine your personal boundaries.
  • Learn to navigate those difficult conversations and develop the strategies to address your emotional needs (without coming across as naggy or a martyr).
  • Build stronger, more connected, and fulfilling relationships.
  • Strengthen your mental and physical well-being.
  • Become a role model for your children while demonstrating how to confidently communicate and self-advocate.

Life gets better when you’ve mastered the art of asking for help, saying no, and standing up for yourself.



We’ll dive into your inner world, unraveling the layers of internalized beliefs that have held you back and taken residence.


Learn to open up the lines of dialogue, initiating conversations that have long been postponed. Share your thoughts, express your needs, and lay the foundation for a journey toward mutual understanding.


Together we’ll assess and gauge the impact of your self-work. Learn to identify and evaluate if the changes are aligning with your goals and aspirations.


This phase is a reminder that we all have defaults that creep back in. Develop strategies to assess your emotional state and reevaluate, reconfigure, and recommit to the path of growth.

Let’s end the systemic pressure on women to do it all!



What you get:

  • 60-minute, 1:1 coaching session

  •  3x calls/month

  •  Personalized action items after each session

Today’s Price = $1,250.00

+ 2 more payments of $1,250

Take a moment to pause and reflect on the weight of your current responsibilities, unaddressed needs, and your growing frustration and resentment of your well-being and relationships. 

Can you truly afford to continue living as you are? As a women who never puts herself first, when is it your time?

It pains me to see so many women living with this emotional toll, strained connections, and decreased physical and mental health. 

This is an investment in your happiness, empowerment, and future. 

The gains you make in just three months can pave the way for a lifetime of fulfillment, setting the stage for stronger, more fulfilling relationships and a healthier and happier you.

Got Questions? I Have Answers



What you get:

  • 60-minute, 1:1 coaching session

  •  3x calls/month

  •  Personalized action items after each session

Today’s Price = $1,250.00

+ 2 more payments of $1,250